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Aanchal Malhotra: Remnants of a Separation
"Aanchal Malhotra is a writer and historian reorienting the way we think and talk about our past, present and future. Inspired by objects her family had carried with them during the 1947 Partition of India and Pakistan, Aanchal began her journey of collecting and archiving objects, or material memories, treasured and preserved by displaced survivors of Partition, eventually compiled into her debut... posted on Jul 26 2022, 1,375 reads


The Egg: A Short Story By Andy Weir
"You were on your way home when you died.
It was a car accident. Nothing particularly remarkable, but fatal nonetheless. You left behind a wife and two children. It was a painless death. The EMTs tried their best to save you, but to no avail. Your body was so utterly shattered you were better off, trust me.
And that's when you met me.
"What...what happened?" You asked. "Where ... posted on Jul 25 2022, 16,585 reads


How Do You Know If You Are Actually Humble?
"Despite intellectual humility being the subject of intense scientific study in recent years, there remains debate among scientists on how best to measure it. That debate begins with a basic question: What is intellectual humility? Most scientists agree that being aware of your intellectual limitations and the fallibility of your beliefs is an important part of intellectual humility, but beyond th... posted on Jul 24 2022, 4,412 reads


Reflections of a Jungian Analyst
At the end of her training, artist and psychotherapist, Rue Harrison had the good fortune to have Gareth Hill as her supervising consultant. At the conclusion of her work with Hill, she asked Gareth if he'd be willing to share some of his own experiences in a recorded interview. What follows is an inspiring example of the archetype of the wounded healer and the deep power of suffering transformed.... posted on Jul 23 2022, 3,113 reads


Transforming Apocalypse Fatigue into Action
It is possible to transform "apocalypse fatigue," the defenses that keep us from engaging fully in action on global warming, by sharing stories of those who are making real change happen, bringing the issue closer to home, and empowering ourselves to do what we can. In this TED Talk, Norwegian Parliament representative, Per Espen Stoknes, points to a path of re-imagining climate itself as the livi... posted on Jul 22 2022, 1,816 reads


An Immense World
"Made famous by zoologist Jakob von Uexkull in 1909, the term Umwelt refers to the perceptual world experienced by each animal, a highly specific kind of "sensory bubble." When we walk our dog and she stops to smell every other bush or car tire, she's taking in through her acutely sensitive nose smells that we take in faintly or not at all. That's because humans and dogs have two different sensory... posted on Jul 21 2022, 2,286 reads


Wendy Sussman: Painting as a Search
"Just gravitate to the thing you can easily do. Then all that baggage of being the great artist just flies away and you're just doing it! That's really the important thing. But you shouldn't feel ashamed of yourself because you have an image of what you want to be. The thing is to find a way into it. To get in is real important -- not just to stand at the door, over and over, for years and years. ... posted on Jul 20 2022, 1,859 reads


Timefulness: A Geologist's Story
"Geologist Marcia Bjornerud's latest book, Timefulness: How Thinking Like a Geologist Can Help Save the World, can easily capture your inner philosopher, scientist, activist, and writer. When I received this book from Princeton University Press, I was immediately intrigued by the books cover. Ive always been fascinated by ideas that necessarily mix up life's ingredients into creative nature storie... posted on Jul 19 2022, 1,619 reads


Perceptual Intelligence: Gathering Deep Knowledge
"One cannot know a forest by walking it only once. It takes several full cycles of the seasons, and regular explorations during that time, preferably daily, to even begin to know a place. Where are its berry trees and when are the berries ripe? Where are its meltwater ponds in the spring? Where is the nearest raccoon den, and how often do you normally see them out and about? When do the maple tree... posted on Jul 18 2022, 2,083 reads


Watching My Friend Pretend Her Heart Isn't Breaking
"On Earth, just a teaspoon of neutron star
would weigh six billion tons. Six billion tons
equals the collective weight of every animal
on earth. Including the insects. Times three.

Six billion tons sounds impossible
until I consider how it is to swallow grief--"

Read the rest of Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer's exquisite poem here.... posted on Jul 17 2022, 9,186 reads


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Quote Bulletin

The idea that some lives matter less is the root of all that's wrong with the world.
Paul Farmer

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